Cloud integration is the process of configuring multiple application programs
to share data in the cloud.

Imagine having the ability to run your business using a single, unified system: All the applications you need to get the job done are placed on a centralized platform, automated and designed to run on the internet. Imagine instant connection to the world market through the World Wide Web without the need to increase your workforce, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Imagine reducing instances of redundancy and increasing productivity in your company, with your workload managed through a system that accounts for all your business needs. Efficient. Convenient. Possible. This is what Cloud System Integration is all about.
With half a decade worth of experience in designing Cloud System Integration, 3dA Multimedia can help you and your company build the kind of system suitable for the processes your business demands. We will look into your needs, and reproduce relevant online applications that deliver, every single time. Whatever your market may be, a system can be designed and built for you: From having an online shop which requires real time integration of products and sales, inventory, shipping, and financial forecasting to managing an educational institution which entails creation of course schedules, registrations, content delivery, and online testing, 3dA and its Cloud System Integration services can be used to your advantage.
We take designing your system seriously, and we understand how competitive today’s technological world can get. That’s why even if we use multiple frameworks, we make sure that only the most appropriate one will be used to build your system’s foundation before building the applications on top. For development, we use PHP, jquery, and html5. On the other hand, we use MySQL for the databases, and all our development are LAMP based (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP).
Our successful client experience includes building large deployment systems for Contact North, Canada’s long distance e-learning provider, as well as Canada’s seeds association, SeCan.
Our next successful client could be you.
To find out more about Cloud System Integration and what 3DA can do for you, feel free to contact one of our business solutions representatives
We have the expertise. We have the time.
We’ve assembled one of the most creative and tech-savvy teams in Canada. We’re ready now to brainstorm your next project with you, at no cost to you.
You’ll be amazed at how much we can help during even a brief conversation.
Call us toll free 1-888-964-7913